Friday, December 31, 2010

new banner for new year

just felt like starting off fresh so i started playing around with photoshop and it wasn't working out so i started working with illustrator and ended up spending hours with it and didn't want to stop intel i got exactly what i wanted and i came out with this.its supposed to represent life ,death and the floral design to me represents growing up and art .like a seed being grown it might not look like anything ,even after a couple a weeks no results but over time a giant tree will flourish out of it with time and care anyting is possible.enjoy :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

graffiti denim art show at basic

It was a really fun event there where b boys good music good art and lots of cool looking stuff I even saw some familiar faces which is always awesome if you wanna buy any stuff shown check out kleen house this is there website enjoy

Monday, December 20, 2010

artist jasper wong

I keep remembering this guy work it freaking crazy almost as crazy as his stories.I remember my graphic design teacher saying that a graphic design guy was gonna give a lecture at nine and it ended up at my first art/grapic design class illustration I looked up the guy and saw his work then was excited to hear his lecture. so after work i got there late lol my old illustration teacher put me on the spot saying why im late and no good excuses and said i just got back from work good excuse .surprised no other graphic design students went the only people where the illustration students.jasper talked about crazy parties in japan how binding a porfolio is important he made his look like a book and gave it that feeling which kind of help put him where he is today. he also talked about school and his experiences working as in illustrator. enjoy his work i know i did.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

old dsd t shirt release party

it was pertty chill at eldorado that night and glad i snagged a dsd shirt enjoy

work in progress

progress shot ron,mofo and me colaboration

really old stuff

old stuff :)